Apple Vision Redesign
Challenge instructions

With the groundbreaking Apple Vision Pro on the horizon, it's time to push the boundaries of design innovation. Are you up for the challenge?

Challenge Objective: Create a visionary sketch for a new design of the Apple Vision Pro, harnessing the limitless potential of VR and AR technology.


  1. Design Aesthetics: Your design should exhibit an elegant and futuristic aesthetic that complements the cutting-edge technology within. It should be visually appealing and comfortable for users to wear.
  2. User Experience: Prioritize an exceptional user experience. Consider factors like comfort, weight distribution, and ease of use in both VR and AR modes.
  3. Functionality: Your design should seamlessly integrate with the Apple Vision Pro's core functionalities, such as spatial computing, gesture recognition, and high-resolution displays.
  4. Innovation: Think outside the box! Explore novel features or technologies that could enhance the user experience or offer unique capabilities.
  5. Compatibility: Ensure your design aligns with Apple's ecosystem, allowing for seamless connectivity with other Apple devices and services.
  6. Sustainability: Keep sustainability in mind. Consider materials, energy efficiency, and recyclability in your design.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Submit a high-quality sketch, 3D model, or concept drawing of your Apple Vision Pro redesign.
  • Include a brief description highlighting key design features and innovations.
  • Feel free to provide additional documentation, such as 3D model files or mockups, to further illustrate your concept.

Let your imagination run wild, and help shape the future of AR and VR with your visionary Apple Vision Pro redesign. Are you ready to redefine the way we experience technology?

1 year ago
Due date
11 months ago
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