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Bitcoin Desk Clock

A desk clock that always shows the latest Bitcoin price for crypto obsessed individuals.

Product type:Cryptocurrency

BitCoin Clock

The brief

Anyone who reads the news will have heard about the volatility of the entire crypto currency market. One day the value of your Bitcoin could be phenomenally high, breaking previous records, until a news story breaks in a country on the other side of the world and the price crashes through the floor leaving you wondering why you never sold when you could! Anyone who has invested in crypto currency knows this all too well and seemingly have their eyes glued to their phone at all times.

They idea came to mind whilst listening to a youtuber saying they’d like to have a projection of the latest bitcoin price all night-long on their bedroom ceiling so that he could just open their eyes and get relieved (or panicked) by knowing the price at anytime. This fun (and freak) idea made Mario think of a simpler concept: why not create a simple, elegant and stylish desk clock capable of displaying the Bitcoin price and the other cryptocurrencies 24/7. An easy way of keeping track of the cryptocurrency value at-a-glance.

They key issues that had to be resolved revolved around

  • The display and brightness of the screen (especially at night).
  • How it would be internet connected to pull the latest price.
  • How the user interface would allow for different crypto prices.
  • How you could easily switch between different currencies.
  • How it would be powered.

The solution

Together, with the LastBasic community of product design experts, Mario set out with sharing the first key component of his brief, the final product has to be simple yet stylish – design had to be at the forefront of every decision in order to ensure a high uptake of buyers when launched.

Mario gave the prototype experts at Last Basic full autonomy in using interpreting the brief to pitch their ideas of designs that fit his specification

Whilst working with the electronic expert at Last Basic, Mario quickly found out that the type of screen to be used in his prototype was going to play a large role in whether this clock would be an annoyance or much loved bedroom asset. After numerous tests, we concluded that an OLED screen and a tailored-made coding for the selected processor were needed. For example: the prototype used an LCD screen instead of OLED, however it presented some inconveniences as LCD brightness levels cannot reach the deep darkness of an OLED screen. Situations where the clock was placed, for example, in a bedroom, during the night could lead to illuminating the space and affecting the sleep.

For example: the prototype used an LCD screen instead of OLED, however it presented some inconveniences as LCD brightness levels cannot reach the deep darkness of an OLED screen. Situations where the clock was placed, for example, in a bedroom, during the night could lead to illuminating the space and affecting the sleep.

The results...

Once this prototype is ready, we will update you on the results… meanwhile visit Bitcoin Desk Clock website to know more

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